WEEK 2- Daily Dozen

Today, I am starting a new food plan. It is a vegan pant-based plan created by Dr. Greger. He is a physician and specializes in clinical nutrition. Dr. Greger was the author of a best seller, "How Not To Die".  My food plans this week is from an app called Daily Dozen created by Dr. Greger. I posed a screen shot below. I listed the daily dozen foods below with serving sizes. 

3 servings of beans (130g)
1 serving of berries (60g)
3 servings of fruits (120g or 1 piece of fruit)
1 serving of cruciferous vegetables (30-80g) 
2 servings of greens (60g raw or 90g cooked)
2 servings of other vegetables (60g)
1 servings of flaxseeds (1Tb)
1 serving of nuts (30g or 2Tb butter)
3 servings of whole grains (100g hot cereal, 50g cold, 1 slice of bread, 30g popcorn)

Image result for daily dozen

